- 政策解讀
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- 天下人物
- 發展報告
- 項目中心
學校數(所)? No. of Schools |
畢業生數(人) Graduates |
招生數 (人) New Intakes |
在校生數(人) Total In-school Students |
教職工數(人)Educational Personnel |
專任教師(人) Full-time Teachers |
另有其他學生數(人) Other Students |
一、民辦高等教育 Non-government Higher Education? |
?? (一)民辦高校 Regular HEIs |
698 |
1229577 |
1537292 |
5050687 |
371554 |
252441 |
260042 |
???????? 本科學生 Normal Courses |
579675 |
883191 |
3118236 |
???????? 專科學生 Short-cycle Courses |
649902 |
654101 |
1932451 |
???????? 其中:獨立學院 Independent Institutions |
309 |
542638 |
746028 |
2674448 |
181039 |
132733 |
29128 |
????? ?????????本科學生 Normal Courses |
479562 |
689278 |
2498710 |
???????? ??????專科學生 Short-cycle Courses |
63076 |
56750 |
175738 |
(二)民辦其他高等教育機構 Other Non-government HEIs |
(830) |
34780 |
16107 |
881399 |
二、民辦中等教育 Non-government Secondary Education |
?? (一)高中階段教育 Senior Secondary Education |
5250 |
1642019 |
1792777 |
5042345 |
754757 |
547750 |
???????? 1. 民辦普通高中 Regular Schools |
2394 |
724905 |
835370 |
2349833 |
606071 |
452249 |
???????? 2. 民辦中等職業教育 Secondary Vocational Schools |
2856 |
917114 |
957407 |
2692512 |
148686 |
95501 |
376946 |
?? (二)初中階段教育 Junior Secondary Education |
4282 |
1311881 |
1536479 |
4425616 |
???????? 1. 民辦普通初中 |
4282 |
1311881 |
1536479 |
4425616 |
Regular Junior Secondary Schools |
???????? 2. 民辦職業初中 Vocational JSSs |
三、民辦普通小學 Non-government Regular Primary Schools |
5186 |
885433 |
1008252 |
5678255 |
186026 |
134809 |
四、民辦幼兒園 Non-government Pre-school Education |
115404 |
4671427 |
8133958 |
16942090 |
1436575 |
807772 |
另有:民辦培訓機構(不計校數) |
(21403) |
250825 |
147525 |
9554560 |
Other Vocational-technical Training Institutions |
注: 1.“另有其他學生數”包括:自考助學班學生、預科生、進修及培訓學生數。
Note: 1. Number of the other students followed in the classes runby Non-state/Private HEIs for Students Preparing for State-administered Examinatims for Self-directed Leamers, College-preparatory Classes, In-service Traning.
2. Data on educational personnel and fulltime teachers in Junior Secondary Schools are included in the data of Regular Schools.
3. Data on Non-government Secondary Vocational Education does not include those of skilled workers schools.
4. The numbers within “” are not included.