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Number of Regular Students for Normal Courses in HEIs by Discipline
Unit: person
畢業生數 | 招生數 | 在校生數 | 預計畢業生數 | |
Graduates | Entrants | Enrolment | Estimated Graduates for Next Year | |
總 計 Total | 3038473 | 3740574 | 14270888 | 3286498 |
其中:女 of Which: Female | 1517254 | 2017368 | 7281963 | 1604559 |
哲學 Philosophy | 2038 | 2335 | 8840 | 2172 |
經濟學 Economics | 188257 | 216289 | 838204 | 196306 |
法學 Law | 121634 | 133717 | 516789 | 125144 |
教育學 Education | 103884 | 142812 | 517590 | 116046 |
文學 Literature | 588198 | 707543 | 2668900 | 630275 |
其中:外語of Which: Foreign Language | 201115 | 205236 | 810846 | 202855 |
藝術 Art | 240957 | 337810 | 1215535 | 271742 |
歷史學 History | 15588 | 18926 | 70769 | 16478 |
理學 Science | 294060 | 344671 | 1314644 | 314954 |
工學 Engineering | 964583 | 1195234 | 4522917 | 1050503 |
農學 Agriculture | 53789 | 63974 | 244261 | 58767 |
醫學 Medicine | 178085 | 228294 | 1006410 | 195108 |
管理學 Administrators | 528357 | 686779 | 2561564 | 580745 |
總計中:師范生 Of Total: Students Enrolled in Teacher Training Institutions | 328571 | 367421 | 1443936 | 354101 |