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下載安裝Flash播放器Number of Female Students of Schools by Type and Level
合計 Total |
男 Male |
女學生 Female Students | |
人數 Number |
占學生總數的比重(%) Percentage | |||
一、高等教育 Higher Education |
(一)研究生 Postgraduates |
1719818 |
877401 |
842417 |
48.98 |
博 士 Doctor's Degrees |
283810 |
180374 |
103436 |
36.45 |
碩 士 Master's Degrees |
1436008 |
697027 |
738981 |
51.46 |
(二)普通本專科 Undergraduates in Regular HEIs |
23913155 |
11632665 |
12280490 |
51.35 |
本 科 Normal Courses |
14270888 |
6988925 |
7281963 |
51.03 |
專 科 Short-cycle Courses |
9642267 |
4643740 |
4998527 |
51.84 |
(三)成人本專科 Undergraduates in Adult HEIs |
5831123 |
2661724 |
3169399 |
54.35 |
本 科 Normal Courses |
2475495 |
1100397 |
1375098 |
55.55 |
專 科 Short-cycle Courses |
3355628 |
1561327 |
1794301 |
53.47 |
(四)其他各類高等學歷教育 Students Enrolled in Other Formal Programs |
1. 在職人員攻讀碩士學位 |
489857 |
319851 |
170006 |
34.71 |
Master's Degree Programs for on-the-job personnel |
2. 網絡本專科生 Web-based Undergraduates |
5704112 |
2881785 |
2822327 |
49.48 |
本 科 Normal Courses |
2002698 |
950780 |
1051918 |
52.53 |
專 科 Short-cycle Courses |
3701414 |
1931005 |
1770409 |
47.83 |
二、中等教育 Secondary Education |
94214196 |
49562957 |
44651239 |
47.39 |
(一)高中階段教育 Senior Secondary Education |
45952782 |
24027889 |
21924893 |
47.71 |
1. 高中 Senior Secondary Schools |
24815911 |
12556312 |
12259599 |
49.40 |
普通高中 Regular Senior Secondary Schools |
24671712 |
12481477 |
12190235 |
49.41 |
完全中學 Combined Secondary Schools |
8278864 |
4202943 |
4075921 |
49.23 |
高級中學 Regular High Schools |
15788100 |
7945340 |
7842760 |
49.68 |
十二年一貫制學校 12-Year Schools |
604748 |
333194 |
271554 |
44.90 |
成人高中 Adult High Schools |
144199 |
74835 |
69364 |
48.10 |
2. 中等職業教育 Secondary Vocational Education |
21136871 |
11511373 |
9625498 |
45.54 |
普通中專 Regular Specialized Secondary Schools |
8125608 |
3766185 |
4359423 |
53.65 |
成人中專 Adult Specialized Secondary Schools |
2542747 |
1398017 |
1144730 |
45.02 |
職業高中 Vocational High Schools |
6230465 |
3322652 |
2907813 |
46.67 |
技工學校 Skilled Workers Schools |
4238051 |
3024519 |
1213532 |
28.63 |
(二)初中階段教育 Junior Secondary Education |
48261414 |
25535068 |
22726346 |
47.09 |
1. 初中 Junior Secondary Schools |
47630607 |
25200142 |
22430465 |
47.09 |
初級中學 Regular Junior Secondary Schools |
35032212 |
18392989 |
16639223 |
47.50 |
九年一貫制學校 9-Year Schools |
5402756 |
2941886 |
2460870 |
45.55 |
十二年一貫制學校 12-Year Schools |
633749 |
375152 |
258597 |
40.80 |
完全中學 Combined Secondary Schools |
6543086 |
3480524 |
3062562 |
46.81 |
職業初中 Vocational Junior Secondary Schools |
18804 |
9591 |
9213 |
48.99 |
2. 成人初中 Adult Junior Secondary Schools |
630807 |
334926 |
295881 |
46.91 |
三、初等教育 Primary Education |
98602286 |
52884600 |
45717686 |
46.37 |
(一)普通小學 Regular Primary Schools |
96958985 |
52104568 |
44854417 |
46.26 |
小學 Primary Schools |
88527616 |
47436194 |
41091422 |
46.42 |
九年一貫制學校 9-Year Schools |
7778434 |
4281088 |
3497346 |
44.96 |
十二年一貫制學校 12-Year Schools |
652935 |
387286 |
265649 |
40.69 |
(二)成人小學 Adult Primary Schools |
1643301 |
780032 |
863269 |
52.53 |
其中:掃盲班 of Which: Literacy Classes |
689067 |
324015 |
365052 |
52.98 |
四、工讀學校 Correctional Work-Study Schools |
10640 |
9138 |
1502 |
14.12 |
五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools |
378751 |
244761 |
133990 |
35.38 |
六、學前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions |
36857624 |
19786322 |
17071302 |
46.32 |