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下載安裝Flash播放器Number of Students of Non-formal Education by Type and Level
結業生數 Completers |
注冊學生數 Enrolment |
總 計 Total |
63155796 |
53646475 |
一、高等教育 Higher Education |
7785349 |
3948377 |
(一)研究生課程進修班 Postgraduate Courses |
50284 |
73796 |
(二)自考助學班 |
184933 |
397381 |
Classes run by Non-government HEIs for Students Preparing for Self-directed State-administered Examinations |
(三)普通預科生 College-preparatory Classes |
37668 |
(四)進修及培訓 In-service Training |
7550132 |
3439532 |
其中:資格證書培訓 of Which: For Certificates of Vocational Qualifications |
2250573 |
1063044 |
崗位證書培訓 For Certificates of Job-related Qualifications |
2159604 |
696245 |
二、中等職業教育 Secondary Vocational Education |
55370447 |
49698098 |
其中:資格證書培訓 of Which: For Certificates of Vocational Qualifications |
8630967 |
7577578 |
崗位證書培訓 For Certificates of Job-related Qualifications |
12272059 |
10500068 |
(一)中等職業學校 Secondary Vocational Schools |
7136842 |
4024560 |
其中:資格證書培訓of Which: For Certificates of Vocational Qualifications |
2683490 |
1769758 |
崗位證書培訓 For Certificates of Job-related Qualifications |
2088129 |
1094172 |
(二)職業技術培訓機構 Other Vocational-technical Training Institutions |
48233605 |
45673538 |
其中:資格證書培訓 of Which: For Certificates of Vocational Qualifications |
5947477 |
5807820 |
崗位證書培訓 For Certificates of Job-related Qualifications |
10183930 |
9405896 |